Our Programs

VHA’s various programs are designed to help Veterans in any stage of the home buying or homeownership process. Whether you’re just getting started or already a homeowner, we have programs and resources that can help you achieve your goals.


Homebuyers Grant Program

Owning a home can provide an unbeatable sense of security, comfort and financial stability for a Veteran and their family. Our home buyers grant program is designed to help you cross the finish line to home ownership. Learn more about our grant program to see if you qualify for financial aid to offset your down payment and closing costs.
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Homeless Veteran Initiative

We understand that many Veterans start their journey to home ownership at different stages in their life. While we understand this is a complicated and changing issue, we are partnering with local cities and organizations to help do our part. Learn more about our homeless Veteran Initiative to see the impact we have made with local homeless Veterans who are getting help through current city initiatives.
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Homebuyers Education Programs

The ability to use a VA loan can be one of the most powerful mortgage options on the market for Veterans, active military and surviving spouses. Periodically throughout the year we host local classes and workshops to the local Veteran community that help you prepare to start the process of buying a home. Learn more about when we might be hosting our next session.
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Preferred Lender/Realtor

Our preferred lender and Realtor program is still in the early stages of development. We are looking for a handful or Realtors / Lenders that would be interested in testing this program in the market today. If you would like to join this program, please contact us today to join our beta launch group.
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Our Programs Make an


Support our Work


More than 25 Veterans and families have received assistance from us


Worth of grant money given to local veterans who purchased homes

1 in 3

Veterans don’t know about the full benefits of their VA Home Loan


Become a Preferred Realtor or Lender of VHA

We’re always looking for realtors and lenders who are interested in partnering with VHA by lending their services to veterans in need.

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You can help us change

a veteran’s life.

As long as Veterans need our assistance in sustainable housing, we cannot rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life. Learn the different ways that you can make a real impact.


We’re here to help

For more information about our programs or how you can support us, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We look forward to hearing from you!

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